Nnnvirus del dengue pdf microbiologia

Its spectrum is very broad and ranges from clinical imperceptible pictures to a lifethreatening disease. Each year, an estimated 390 million people are infected. Dengue, a major public health problem throughout subtropical and tropical regions, is an acute infectious disease characterized by biphasic fever, headache, pain in various parts of the body, prostration, rash, lymphadenopathy, and leukopenia. Summary dengue is the main human viral disease transmitted by arthropods, and colombia is one of the countries with greater risk. This disease used to be called breakbone fever because it sometimes causes severe joint and muscle pain that feels like bones are breaking. A risk to anyone traveling to a tropical or subtropical region of the world where dengue virus is found. Articulo original caracteristicas del virus del dengue y. Dengue is a virus that is spread through mosquito bites the same aedes mosquitoes that can spread chikungunya.

Can mosquitoes pass dengue to other mosquitoes, or pets and domestic. Arboviroses dengue e febre amarela microbiologia medica. Morfologia del dengue ensayos y trabajos cintyfigueroa1. Dengue is an infectious disease caused by the dengue virus denv. Respuesta inmune e inmunopatogenesis en las infecciones con. Familia bunyaviridae esta familia comprende 150 especies. Dengue fever is an infectious disease carried by mosquitoes and caused by any of four related dengue viruses. The virus responsible for causing dengue, is called dengue virus denv. These mosquitoes are not native to california, but infestations have been identified in multiple counties in california pdf. Abstract dengue virus denv is responsible for the clinical entity known as dengue that is a great concern for economy and public health of tropical countries. This flavivirus is a single strand rna virus that after their translation and replication in host cells produces three structural and seven non structural proteins with specific function in. Virus del dengue o 19 hv xq yluxv lfrvdhgur gh qp dsurl pdgdphqwh frqirupdgr sru xqd phpeudqd olstglfd rewhqlgd gh odv fpoxodv gho kxpvshg vreuh od fxdo vh lqvhuwdq odv surwhtqdv gh php eudqd \ gh hqyrowxud o lqwhulru gho yluxv frq wlhqh ho frpsohmr ulersurwhlfr frqirupdgr sru od surwhtqd gh od fisvlgh \ ho jhqrpd yludo txh frqvlvwh hq. Dengue and severe dengue world health organization.